• Android Updated

    Google made a change to how Notifications have to work on Android, with a compliance deadline of 7/20. We had to update all the App’s dependencies to make the change, and unfortunately we broke some things along the way. Please accept our apologies. We’ve gotten back to everyone that wrote us either via the play…

  • Exploring the App: Amplitude aka “Power” Options

  • Exploring the App: the Red Spikes Spectrogram

  • version 2.1.6

    Change can be hard, but we try to make things better with each version. The best way to keep the App working optimally on whatever device you have, is to have the latest version. We can’t guarantee that all features will continue to work in older versions. Also, if we have a bug, we try…

  • Notification news

    We’ve finally launched in-App Notifications! Simply visit the Info tab in the App, and turn them on. Note: If you’ve previously denied the standard device popup asking for notifications, you may need to also reactivate them in your device settings. Our intention is not to inundate you, just to be helpful. So we’ll only notify…

  • Blog

    We gave opening the blog up to everyone that wanted to contribute a try. Sadly, almost nobody chimed in. A few, but instead it mostly got a TON of Spam. So, for now, we’re leaving it in the site, so that we can update you on changes with the App, but otherwise we’ve locked registration…